His real name is Zhao Zhicheng, manga author and pre-animation designer. Graduated from the Animation School of Beijing Film Academy and participated in cartoon production during the period. In 2005, he began to publish a large number of works in magazines and on the Internet. Many works have won awards for best comics, best short stories, etc.
Published “la balade de yaya” (The Adventures of Yaya) in France from 2010 to 2014. Once the book was launched in France, it won: Lyon Comics Festival of the Year Youth Book Award, FNAC Bookstore of the Year Comic Award, French CBPT Association (French National Book Culture Association) awarded the “Leading Good Book” award (9-11 years old age group), MILLEPAGES Bookstore’s Best Young Manga Award, Angolan International Comics Festival Finalist Academy Award, Picardy High School Student Reader “Best Comic Series” Award, Nièvre Young Readers Annual Best Manga Award, Chartres Junior High School MANGAMADO There are countless awards such as the Best Comic Award for Cultural Projects, the Best Comic Award for Junior High School Students in Somme, France BULLES EN FUREUR Award for Concerned Comics, Amiens Comics Festival Commemorative Award, and Lyon Comics Festival—Most Popular Award for Teenagers. It was also collected by the then French President Sacchi, Minister of Culture and others.
In 2016, this series of books was also domestically shortlisted for the “National Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Recommends Hundred Excellent Publications to Youths across the Country in 2016”, and was awarded the 2016 Chinese Culture Animation Support Plan for Promoting Socialist Core Values.
From 2010 to 2016, he was invited to hold more than 20 special signing events in France, Italy, Germany and other countries.


The Ballad of YaYa