He is 31 years old and was born in Reims, France, the capital of Champagne. After graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Strasbourg, he successively told his own stories in the “Jade Rabbit Association” magazine in the form of comic strips.
It was the publication of several 3D comics that made Matthias one of the well-known cartoonists in France in recent years. When his first 3D comic was presented to readers, many readers were impressed by his endless imagination. There is no text in the whole work, and it depicts the underwater world in our minds from the perspective of a diver.
3D comics are rare in the European comics market with a wide variety and different forms, which is why this type of book is so popular among readers. Not only because of the technical reasons of printing, but also because of the author’s rich imagination and creativity.
Commenting on this work, AFP said: “The 3D glasses contained in the original book caught the attention of many children and even adults. It replaced the innocent innocence of our childhood.

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Jim Curious