Joelle was born in Congo in 1982 and now lives in Paris, France.
Joelle started her comic creation career after obtaining a master’s degree in comic art and plastic arts at the University of Lyon in France. During her study of comic art in France, she was greatly appreciated by famous comic artists such as Francois Booker and Mazan. Since 2000, she has created a number of comic works describing the lives of the Cameroonian people, serialized in comic magazines in Cameroon, Algeria, France, Belgium and other countries, and published in many European countries. In 2012, her work entitled “Ebene dut’s diary” won the Algeria International Comics Festival Art Award at the Algeria International Comics Festival. Since then, she has become the focus of public pursuit, and she has been invited to create practical decorative art paintings, fictional illustrations, and participate in the creation of animated films for many industries.

Selected works